Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Economy Down, Fed Workers Salaries, Up?

I guess if you work for the government (minus the military), this equation adds up. I am referring to an a report that was just put out concerning fed workers pay. According to an article in USA Today,
"The number of federal workers earning $150,000 or more a year has soared tenfold in the past five years and doubled since President Obama took office, a USA TODAY analysis finds" 
if that is a surprise to anyone. While the rest of us that wish to pursue careers outside of the federal government or the military struggle to make ends meet and face the prospect of higher taxes, those in fed jobs are continuously rewarded for mediocrity. To me it seems amazing that most of these jobs are in sectors that do not have to compete with anyone and therefore can be incompetent and still rewarded. If only they would have passed the raise for the military, we might not have so many soldiers families on food stamps. 
"Government-wide raises. Top-paid staff have increased in every department and agency. The Defense Department had nine civilians earning $170,000 or more in 2005, 214 when Obama took office and 994 in July"

The next thing that cracks me up the most is the increase in pay for physicians at the VA. 
"Physicians rewarded. Medical doctors at veterans hospitals, prisons and elsewhere earn an average of $179,500, up from $111,000 in 2005." 
So, these physicians basically have bankers hours, coming in at 9, breaking for lunch from 12 until 1, and then leaving by 4. I guess if I was a physician the VA is the place I would want to be. Look at physicians that work at other hospitals, they work 24 hours sometimes and after they pay male-practice insurance and loan payments they do not even make half of what these VA physicians are making. This is why veterans receive the worst care in the country and I really want these geniuses at the AFGIE to get their care at a VA hospital, if it is the best care in the country then why wouldn't they want to use the same care they give us? When is this country going to wake up? Once we all work for the government? I hope not.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Efficency of VA health care system....

I am not sure if the articles title is an oxymoron or not? Around October 11th of 2010, I started to get sick. I decided to head over to the newly opened Gloucester county VA Clinic. Upon arrival I was greeted by a polite individual who said she would be able to get me in to see one of the doctors. Once I met the physician I was informed that I would have to head over to Philadelphia VA hospital to pick up my medication and have an x-ray of my chest taken. I was informed that this clinic did not have a pharmacy or an x-ray machine.I was a little dumbfounded since, I was at the supposed new VA clinic that had been built to make it easier for us veterans that resided in South Jersey. This was at 3:45 and I really didn't want to go sit in Philadelphia's ER.The other fact was that I had to be at Coatesville Veterans Hospital the next day and asked if they could just schedule it for that hospital. I was again informed that they could not do that since Coatesville was a different system. So, twice that day I was dumbfounded by the VA and decided to go home.

The next day I headed to the Coatesville VA and was seen in there ER. About a week and a half later I was still sick. I decided to contact the Gloucester county VA and told them what was going on, I was told someone would call me back. Not to my surprise I never heard from them. Now today November 2, 2010, I received in the mail a package of medicine, to my surprise it was more antibiotics. I investigate the package and to my surprise this prescription was filled on October 19th, 2010 and this is November 2, 2010. The package was mailed on November 1, 2010. I cannot wait until all medicine is run by the government, if it is as efficient as the VA no one will receive care but there will be plenty of over paid health care workers.  

Sunday, October 31, 2010

We already have Gov't run Health Care.

While I was exploring ideas of how to start this blog, I Googled "VA horror stories" and this was just one of the results that it returned. This article was posted on This article hit the nail on the head as far as some of the things I was thinking, I wanted to write about. I can personally attest to the long waiting time for an appointment, that was brought up in the article. After losing my tri-care through the Army, my physician called the VA and told them I needed a physician to keep tabs on me due to the recent ling surgeries and the physician was told no problem they would see me in approximetly eight months. The best part was that was just to see a primary care who would then refer me to a pulmonoligist which would be another six months. I guess if it wasn't life threatening it would have been longer?

Now we are suppossed to be the best of the best, those who served the country and our owed the most. I can only imagine how they treat those who our just simple tax-payers who have not done as much? I know who will not have to worry. Who you ask? Those who hop the border and by that I mean those who literally hop the fence at the border. Those who pay no taxes or those who just simply do not believe in working and think the government owes them. The rest of us the veterans and those who have contributed society are considered privelleged and given oppurtunities that the rest of those werent. Maybe I should renounce my citizenship and then re-enter the country as an illegal. Is it me or does anyone else feel this way? Enjoy the article and let me know what you think.

The Horror Of Government Run Veteran Health Care

Posted by Admin Posted in Obamacare, Politics Posted on 25-08-2009 5

What would a U.S. government run health care system look like? Well, one big indication is to examine what is going on at places where the United States government is already running health care. One of those place is at VA hospitals, and the reality is that the level of care that our veterans receive can only be described as horrific.

Some time ago, ABC News did an investigation of VA hospital conditions that uncovered the reality of "disastrous management and deficient care" at the 162 VA facilities throughout the United States.

The following are just some of the things that ABC News found during the course of their investigation.....

*Bathrooms filthy with what appeared to be human excrement

*Dirty linens from some patients mixed in with clean supplies

*Examining tables that had dried blood and medications still on them

*Equipment used to sterilize surgical instruments that had broken down

*Some patients were forced to beg for food and water

*Vets neglected so badly that they developed horrific bedsores and dangerous infections

Is this any way to treat our veterans?

Is this what we can expect under Obamacare?

So will there be long waits and rationing under Obamacare? If it is anything like the vets are experiencing right now there will be. Just consider what ABC News found about vet waits for health care.....

Veterans who responded to a survey by the American Legion in 2003 said it took an average of seven months to a year to get a first appointment at a VA hospital. In some hospitals, patients have waited as long as two years.

Is that the kind of health care system that you want?

Do you think that you will be treated better or worse then military vets under Obamacare?

Not only do we find rationing in VA hospitals, but we also find the kind of "death counseling" that the Democrats have worked so hard to deny will happen under Obamacare.

Jim Towey, the president of Saint Vincent College, former director of the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives and the founder of the nonprofit organization Aging with Dignity just wrote an extraordinary piece about this in the Wall Street Journal. The following is an excerpt from that excellent article where he describes that death counseling that takes place at VA hospitals......


Last year, bureaucrats at the VA's National Center for Ethics in Health Care advocated a 52-page end-of-life planning document, "Your Life, Your Choices." It was first published in 1997 and later promoted as the VA's preferred living will throughout its vast network of hospitals and nursing homes. After the Bush White House took a look at how this document was treating complex health and moral issues, the VA suspended its use. Unfortunately, under President Obama, the VA has now resuscitated "Your Life, Your Choices."

Who is the primary author of this workbook? Dr. Robert Pearlman, chief of ethics evaluation for the center, a man who in 1996 advocated for physician-assisted suicide in Vacco v. Quill before the U.S. Supreme Court and is known for his support of health-care rationing.

"Your Life, Your Choices" presents end-of-life choices in a way aimed at steering users toward predetermined conclusions, much like a political "push poll." For example, a worksheet on page 21 lists various scenarios and asks users to then decide whether their own life would be "not worth living."

The circumstances listed include ones common among the elderly and disabled: living in a nursing home, being in a wheelchair and not being able to "shake the blues." There is a section which provocatively asks, "Have you ever heard anyone say, 'If I'm a vegetable, pull the plug'?" There also are guilt-inducing scenarios such as "I can no longer contribute to my family's well being," "I am a severe financial burden on my family" and that the vet's situation "causes severe emotional burden for my family."

When the government can steer vulnerable individuals to conclude for themselves that life is not worth living, who needs a death panel?


But Democrats assure us that this type of thing will NOT happen to seniors under Obamacare.

Do you believe them?

Perhaps if they had not already lied over and over and over to the American people they might have a shred of credibility left.

The reality is that if we let the U.S. government take control of health care then our elderly will become very vulnerable.

The truth is that the U.S. government will abuse all of our seniors under Obamacare the way they are abusing our veterans right now if this "health care reform" package gets pushed through.

The two videos posted below show more examples of the incredibly poor conditions at VA hospitals around the U.S.

This first video is of a news report which explains how cardiac alarm monitors were actually turned off at one VA hospital.....

To view these videos please go to the original posting of this article.

This second video is another news report that examines that very unsanitary conditions at 3 other VA hospitals.....

If the U.S. government cannot even provide decent health care for military veterans, what in the world makes you think that they can do it for the entire population?

Please let me know what you think about this article or if you have an idea for another topic put it on your post and we can put it up.

Why I Started this Blog

I created this blog for a few reasons, the main being to hopefully create a forum for those of us that have the unfortunate experience of dealing with the wonderful system of government run health care called the Veterans Administration (VA). While not every experience with the VA is horrible most of us have more than are fair share of horror stories. I also hope that that those who truly believe we need a government run health care system can gain some insight into what it would be like from the experiences we have to share. I am only trying to share and educate those that have not experienced or even heard what it is like to be a veteran in this country. It is amazing to me the way veterans are cared for after returning home from completing their service to this country. I am also a veteran and want to thank all of you who have served and hope that you will help me in compiling stories of your experiences with the VA whether they be bad or good, thank you.